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From classic science-to-public projects to the establishment of strategic symbioses between environmental organisations, businesses and the public, the field of knowledge and awareness transfer is one of the core areas of our interest. The stronger the networking and the use of resources, the higher the speed of social progress.

We build on networking, on clear communication and on the right focus. We promote environmental education and the perception and understanding of complex interrelationships, some of whose causes and effects only become fully visible at or under water. The current publications and non-fiction books of the team members are compiled on this page in a selection from recent years.


The following selection of scientific publications has been chosen in relation to the range of topics covered by aquatil and sorted by date of publication.

Sieger, J., Brümmer, F., Ahn, H., Lee, G., Kim, S., Schill, R.O. (2022). Reduced ageing in the frozen state in the tardigrade Milnesium inceptum (Eutardigrada: Apochela). Journal of Zoology, 318 (4), 253-259.

Brümmer, F., Schnepf, U., Resch, J., Jemmali, R., Abdi, R., Kamel, H. M., Bonten, C., Müller, R.-W. (2022). In situ laboratory for plastic degradation in the Red Sea. Scientific Reports, 12, 11956. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-15310-7

Morlock, G.E., Ziltener, A., Geyer, S., Tersteegen, J., Mehl, A., Schreiner, T., Kamel, T., Brümmer, F. (2022). Evidence that Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins self-medicate with invertebrates in coral reefs. iScience 25, 104271, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.104271

Guidetti, R., Cesari, M., Giovannini, I., Ebel, C., Förschler, M.I., Rebecchi, L., Schill, R.O. (2022). Morphology and taxonomy of the genus Ramazzottius (Eutardigrada; Ramazzottiidae) with the integrative description of Ramazzottius kretschmanni sp. nov. The European Zoological Journal, 89:1, 346-370, https://doi.org/10.1080/24750263.2022.2043468

Brümmer, F., Tersteegen J., Rapp, L., Beck, R., Schenk-Trautmann, T., Ramm, A., Liebich, D., Genth, F., Daul, A., Gräff, M., Oldorff, S., Schill, R.O., Müller, R.-W. (2021). Monitoring the invasive quagga mussel by recreational divers in a citizen science project. Freiberg Online Geoscience special volume: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021. Broder Merkel & Mandy Hoyer (Eds.). FOG 58: 54-65. https://tu-freiberg.de/sites/default/files/media/institut-fuer-geologie-718/pdf/fog_volume_58.pdf

Brümmer, F., Remmers, D., Müller, R.-W., Scholz, S (2021). Introduction of the technical diving method for scientific diving to investigate biocoenosis in the twilight zone of freshwater lakes. Freiberg Online Geoscience special volume: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021. Broder Merkel & Mandy Hoyer (Eds.). FOG 58, 46-53. https://tu-freiberg.de/sites/default/files/media/institut-fuer-geologie-718/pdf/fog_volume_58.pdf

Khalil, E., Oniz, H., Nowakowska, M., Schill, R.O. (2021). Underwater Cultural Heritage Hand Signals. Freiberg Online Geoscience special volume: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021. Broder Merkel & Mandy Hoyer (Eds.). FOG 58, 172-175. https://tu-freiberg.de/sites/default/files/media/institut-fuer-geologie-718/pdf/fog_volume_58.pdf

Schill, R.O., Müller, R.-W., Brümmer, F., Grab, T., Pohl, T., Merkel, B., Fieback, T. (2021). Citizen Science underwater. Freiberg Online Geoscience special volume: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021. Broder Merkel & Mandy Hoyer (Eds.). FOG 58, 176-178. https://tu-freiberg.de/sites/default/files/media/institut-fuer-geologie-718/pdf/fog_volume_58.pdf

Guidetti, R., Schill, R.O., Giovannini, I., Massa, E., Goldoni. S.E., Ebel, C., Förschler, M.I., Rebecchi, L. & Cesari, M. (2021). When DNA sequence data and morphological results fit together: Phylogenetic position of Crenubiotus within Macrobiotoidea (Eutardigrada) with description of Crenubiotus ruhesteini sp. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 00:1–12. https://doi.org/10.1111/jzs.12449

Bryndová, M., Stec, D., Schill, R.O., Michalczyk, Ł., Devetter, M. (2020). Dietary preferences and diet effects on life-history traits of tardigrades. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2020, 188, 865–877. https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz146

Brümmer, F., Shegeftfard, N., Tersteegen, J., Vetter, W., & Schill, R.O. (2020). Zur Biologie und Ökologie der Dreikantmuscheln Dreissena polymorpha (Zebra-Muschel) und Dreissena rostriformis bugensis (Quagga-Muschel) (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) sowie zu deren Verbreitung in Baden-Württemberg. Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 176, 319–390. https://gesellschaft-naturkunde-wuerttemberg.de/jahreshefte/bestellung-von-jahresheften.html

Kallscheuer, N., Wiegand, S., Kohn, T., Boedeker, C., Jeske, O., Rast, P., Müller, R.-W., Brümmer, F., Heuer, A., Jetten, M., Rohde, M., Jogler, M., & Jogler, C. (2020). Cultivation-independent analysis of the microbiome associated with the calcareous sponge Clathrina clathrus and isolation of Poriferisphaera corsicensis gen. nov., sp. nov., belonging to the barely studied class Phycisphaerae in the phylum Planctomycetes. Frontiers in Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.602250

Kohn, T., Wiegand, S., Boedeker, C., Rast, P., Heuer, A., Jetten, M. S. M., Schüler, M., Becker, S., Rohde, C., Müller, R.-W., Brümmer, F., Rohde, M., Engelhardt, H., Jogler, M., & Jogler, C. (2020). Planctopirus ephydatiae, a novel Planctomycete isolated from a freshwater sponge. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 43(1), 126022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.syapm.2019.126022

Schill, R.O. (2020). Entdeckung und Vorkommen von Tardigraden in Baden-Württemberg. Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 176, 403-432. https://gesellschaft-naturkunde-wuerttemberg.de/jahreshefte/bestellung-von-jahresheften.html

Schöpfer, L., Menzel, R., Schnepf, U., Ruess, L., Marhan, S., Brümmer, F., Pagel, H., & Kandeler, E. (2020). Microplastics Effects on Reproduction and Body Length of the Soil-Dwelling Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2020.00041

Wiegand, S., Jogler, M., Boedeker, C., Pinto, D., Vollmers, J., Rivas-Marín, E., Kohn, T., Peeters, S. H., Heuer, A., Rast, P., Oberbeckmann, S., Bunk, B., Jeske, O., Meyerdierks, A., Storesund, J. E., Kallscheuer, N., Lücker, S., Lage, O. M., Pohl, T., (…) Jogler, C. (2020). Cultivation and functional characterization of 79 planctomycetes uncovers their unique biology. Nature Microbiology, 5(1), 126–140. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-019-0588-1

Guidetti, R., Gneuß, E., Cesari, M., Aliterò, T. & Schill, R.O. (2020). Life-history traits and description of the new gonochoric amphimictic Mesobiotus joenssoni (Eutardigrada: Macrobiotidae) from the island of Elba, Italy. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 188 (3), 848–859. https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz077

Bach, R., Becker, T., Haas, G., Henschel, A., Klos, D., König, O., Korte, .E, Kovalev, N., Laduch, H.-J., Nehring, S., Paulus, T., Pottgiesser, T., Schill, R.O., Schneider, K.L., van den Boom, A. & van de Weyer, K. (2019). DWA-M 626-1 „Neobiota –Auswirkungen und Umgang mit wasserwirtschaftlich bedeutsamen gebietsfremden Tier- und Pflanzenarten – Teil 1: Grundlagen“. DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V., ISBN 978-3-88721-688-7. https://webshop.dwa.de/de/dwa-m-626-1-februar-2019.html

H.-J., Nehring, S., Paulus, T., Pottgiesser, T., Schill, R.O., Schneider, K.L., van den Boom, A. & van de Weyer, K. (2019). DWA-M 626-2 „Neobiota – Auswirkungen und Umgang mit wasserwirtschaftlich bedeutsamen gebietsfremden Tier- und Pflanzenarten – Teil 2: Artensteckbriefe“. DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V., ISBN 978-3-88721-690-0. https://webshop.dwa.de/de/dwa-m-626-2-februar-2019.html

Gilbert, M., Weiß, J., Vogel, B., Bernhard, S., & Brümmer, F. (2019). Der Kulkwitzer See (Leipzig, Sachsen) als Referenzgewässer für die neuen Seen der Bergbaufolgelandschaft Mitteldeutschlands – Tauchuntersuchungen zur Ökologie und Biodiversität. Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 175, 293–387. https://gesellschaft-naturkunde-wuerttemberg.de/jahreshefte/bestellung-von-jahresheften.html

Gutekunst, V., Müller, A. U., Pohl, T., Brümmer, F., Malik, H., Fawzi, N., Erpenbeck, D., & Lehnert, H. (2018). A new fistulose demosponge species from the Persian Gulf. Zootaxa, 4450 (5), 565–574. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4450.5.3


Water Bears: The Biology of Tardigrades

Offering extensive information on tardigrades, this volume begins with a chapter on the history of tardigrades, from the first description by Goeze in 1773, until 1929, when the most comprehensive monographic approach by E. Marcus was published. Tardigrades’ organ systems, including their integument, body cavity, digestive, muscular, nervous and reproductive systems, as well as their overall external morphology, are summarized in the second chapter. Subsequent chapters present the current state of knowledge on tardigrade phylogeny, biogeography, paleontology, cytology and cytogenetics. In addition, the book provides insights into the ecology of tardigrades in marine, freshwater and terrestrial habitats. The reproduction, development and life cycles are summarized and the extraordinary environmental adaptations of encystment and cyclomorphosis, desiccation tolerance, freezing tolerance and radiation tolerance are discussed in detail. Further chapters provide an overview of key approaches in molecular tardigrade studies and describe techniques for sampling and sample processing. The book closes with a list of tardigrade taxa up to a sub-generic level, including the type species of each genus, the numbers of lower taxa in each taxon, and the main environments in which the taxa were found. Given its depth of coverage, the volume offers an invaluable resource for scientists from various disciplines who plan to research tardigrades, and for all others who are interested in these fascinating animals.

Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95702-9, 419 Pages, ISBN: 978-3-319-95702-9, Author: Ralph O. Schill

Apollonia on my mind

This memoir describes Nicholas C. Flemmings exciting events of historical significance in underwater archaeology and planetary ocean modelling during the last 60 years. It provides an informal and entertaining one-stop introduction to a range of marine research topics and to people who work under the sea by diving and in submersibles. The author has made major discoveries in the archaeology of ancient port cities and global sea level change, submerged caves and Ice Age glacial sea level control, also the mapping and excavation of submerged prehistoric settlements that were occupied during Ice Age low sea levels. The underwater cities of Apollonia and Pavlopetri, both first mapped by the author, are still important archaeological remains that tell us about ancient seafaring and the wealth of ancient sea trade. He also led the underwater survey of the submerged Neolithic settlement of Aghios Petros, and explored the seabed migration route between Timor and Australia used by Aborigines about 50,000 years ago. As a disabled person using a wheelchair for the last 52 years the author recalls his traumatic disabling accident, and his memoir may help the cause of employment for disabled people.

APOLLONIA ON MY MIND – The memoir of a paraplegic ocean scientist. Paperback ISBN: 9789464260328 | Hardback ISBN: 9789464260335 | Imprint: Sidestone Press | Format: 182x257mm | 494 pp. | Honor Frost Foundation General Publication 2 | Series: Honor Frost Foundation General Publication | Language: English | 34 illus. (bw) | 145 illus. | https://www.sidestone.com/books/apollonia-on-my-mind

Biology for Engineers

In many engineering courses, students need an introduction to biology, for which there is usually only a small window of time in the curriculum. This book is intended to enable concentrated revision and targeted preparation for examinations and to arouse curiosity. This textbook introduces the important connections and functional principles of modern biology, the general methodology and the essential characteristics of living organisms and communities. What is the path from gene to organ and behaviour? Why is it not to be expected that a living being is permanently perfect? An overview of the mechanisms of evolution and the diversity of living beings and life strategies is given. Over many years, the authors have gained experience in introductory biology lectures for engineers, computer scientists and natural scientists. Finding the connection to more advanced courses (e.g. bioprocess engineering and environmental design) is a challenge for students, if only because of the different technical language and way of thinking of natural scientists and engineers. Explanations about and references to systems biology, synergetics and the rapid development of methods also serve this purpose.

Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-59608-1_3, 2012, 339 Pages, ISBN: 978-3-662-59608-1, Authors: Hans-Dieter Görtz, Franz Brümmer

The green universe

Herbert Frei and Franz Brümmer have compiled unique underwater photos from local freshwater for this illustrated book. They offer insights into a mysterious and largely unknown world that hides a fascinating flora and fauna. Short, easy-to-understand texts by biology professor Franz Brümmer illuminate the background of the “green universe” and take the reader on a very special journey.

This unique illustrated book shows unique underwater photos from native freshwater. They offer insights into a mysterious and largely unknown world that hides a fascinating flora and fauna.

Müller Rüschlikon (Verlag) , 2011, 160 Pages, ISBN: 978-3-275-01802-4, Authors: Herbert Frei, Franz Brümmer

The Mediterranean

History and future of an ecologically sensitive area.

An indispensable reference work and extraordinary reading pleasure illuminates exciting individual aspects of the natural and cultural history of the Mediterranean in numerous digressions illustrates the informative aspects of the texts with hundreds of colourful graphics and photos. The latest knowledge on the Mediterranean region is summarised here – from biodiversity to the economic use of marine resources, from climatic conditions, water currents and winds to the complex food webs and ecological interdependencies within the flora and fauna of the Mediterranean. The enormous range of topics is designed to appeal to Mediterranean enthusiasts as well as marine conservationists, divers, researchers, sailors and travellers – anyone who wants to know anything about the Mediterranean.

Hundreds of graphics developed especially for this work illustrate the phenomena, processes and concepts discussed in twelve chapters. Numerous tables summarise the results of extensive research. Excursions highlighted in colour illuminate exciting individual aspects of the natural and cultural history of the Mediterranean. Impressive colour photographs of the Mediterranean habitats and their creatures accompany the informative texts. The wealth of information contained in this work, the clarity of the presentation and the appealing design make The Mediterranean an essential reference work and an extraordinary reading pleasure at the same time.

Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 2020, 1246 Pages, ISBN: 978-3-662-58928-1, Editor: Robert Hofrichter

Colours and shapes under water

Spectacular photos from the depths of the oceans by Germany’s best-known underwater photographer Herbert Frei. This unique illustrated book shows you the colourful world under water in uniquely detailed photographs. Professor Franz Brümmer explains the scientific background. Herbert and Helma Frei have long been a household name on the diving scene: they have been tracking down diving paradises around the world for decades. Their profound experience and excellent photographic material give this guidebook reliable competence.

Paul Pietsch Verlag, https://bit.ly/3bcIx3h, 160 Pages, ISBN: 978-3-613-50721-0, Authors: Herbert Frei & Franz Brümmer

Freshwater Biology

This is the official textbook of the German Underwater Federation (VDST) for the special courses Freshwater Biology and Water Investigation. These courses are compulsory in the training to become a scuba diver. Coordinated with these courses, the book introduces inland water biology and deals with the animals and plants of freshwater. Due to the different requirements for scuba divers and apnoea divers – divers without breathing apparatus – both lake types and flowing water types with their respective ecology are considered. On the basis of these focal points, the possibilities of detailed water studies are then presented. This course contains accompanying information, definitions, descriptions of animals and plants as well as the corresponding data for surveying all Central European water body types up to the high mountains. The authors place special emphasis on teaching ecological relationships, species protection and biodiversity in freshwaters. The aim of these courses is also to lay the foundations for “environmentally compatible diving”, which is demanded by all active divers, already during training.

Delius Klasing Verlag, 2007, 140 Pages, ISBN: 978-3-7688-1915-2, Authors: Ralph Schill, Marcus Frohme, Franz Brümmer

The Beachcomber’s Guide to Marine Debris

This richly illustrated book serves as the ideal guide to the items that litter the world’s beaches. Forget sea shells and other fauna and flora. Here, you will find what a beachcomber is actually most likely to encounter these days: glass, plastic, wood, metal, paper, oil, and other sources of marine pollution!

Complete with nearly 700 photographs, this guide shows the full range of marine debris items, each presented with insight and a pinch of humor. In addition, the author provides full details about these items. You will learn everything worth knowing about them. This includes not just their sources and decomposition stages. Discover the threat each item poses to these beautiful environments as well as prevention strategies, clean-up recommendations, alternative products, and recycling and upcycling ideas.

Beyond the aesthetic issue, marine debris poses a threat to wildlife, human health, and economic welfare. This book arms you with the knowledge you need to combat these disgraceful and often hazardous eyesores. Become a beach detective! Travel the world’s most beloved tourist destinations with this ultimate beach read and help restore these fascinating environments to their natural beauty.

Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90728-4, 2019, 376 Pages, Author: Michael Stachowitsch

On the road in the blue universe

The gripping biography of a man who spent over 10,000 hours underwater, built submersibles and an underwater house, recovered buried treasures from wells and seas, and researched the coelacanth and other fascinating life forms: Hans Fricke’s book is an adventurous diving story, a lively research report, an eco-thriller – and a poetic declaration of love for the underwater world.

When he was 11 years old, he made diving equipment out of a fire extinguisher and a gas mask. Later he escapes from the GDR to dive in the Red Sea, covering the distance to Egypt by bicycle: Hans Fricke has been an obsessive marine explorer and diver all his life, even the death of a friend does not dissuade him. And he is a visionary, a “maker of possibilities” whose enthusiasm is extremely contagious – who else manages to build an underwater house and two diving boats without any financial means of his own? As a student of Konrad Lorenz, the founder of behavioural research, he literally slips into the scales of fish, explores reefs, coelacanths, the mysterious eel migration or the organisms at Iceland’s underwater volcanoes.

Fricke also becomes a salvager who retrieves crashed aeroplanes from the water, a historian who gets to the bottom of the Nazis’ biggest money counterfeiting operation in Lake Toplitz, he dives as a treasure hunter in the world’s deepest well and is the first to venture into the permanent darkness of the alpine lakes with a submersible. He has closely observed many of his research areas over decades and has thus become one of the most important documentarians of marine ecology.

Verlag: Galiani-Berlin, 2020, 352 Pages, ISBN: 978-3-86971-202-4, Author: Hans Fricke

Marine Biology

This is the official textbook of the German Underwater Federation (VDST) for the special courses Marine Biology and Oceanology. These courses are compulsory courses in the training to become a recreational diver.

This textbook deals with the animals and their habitats in the most important diving areas for us: the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Contributions on sea caves, nocturnal life and fossil reefs round off this special course. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding ecological relationships, protecting species and understanding biodiversity. The aim of these courses is to lay the foundations for environmentally sound diving, which is demanded by all active divers, already during the training.

Delius Klasing Verlag, 2008, 144 Pages, ISBN: 978-3895940965, Authors: Franz Brümmer, Gerd Maack, Ralph Schill


Booklet „Gewässer.Wissen.Zukunft”

The eBooklet “Gewässer.Wissen.Zukunft” is a handout for the seminar for more sustainability in diving. It was developed as part of the project “Gewässer.Wissen.Zukunft” (Water.Knowledge.Future) in the course of the Sustainability Award 2020 of the Landessportverband Baden-Württemberg and the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management Baden-Württemberg. It can be viewed or downloaded free of charge as a PDF.

Booklet „Coral reef knowledge”

We have compiled the most important information about corals and coral reefs in the eBooklet “Coral Reef Knowledge” as part of the “International Year of the Reef 2018”. It can be viewed or downloaded free of charge as a PDF.

Comic “Emilys and Olivers Underwater Adventure”

With the new diving booklet for children and the young at heart, a deeper understanding of underwater environmental issues can be developed and responsible decisions can be made. This eBooklet can be viewed online and downloaded for free as a PDF. It is also available in English, French, Farsi and Spanish and supports education for sustainable development.

Comic-App „Together we can“

An alliance of nature conservation and nature sports associations has published the comic app “Together we can” on the topic of climate change and nature conservation. The media is intended to sensitise young nature sports enthusiasts to natural phenomena.

In the story, five young people learn during a holiday outdoor camp how climate change is affecting their environment: animal and plant species are spreading to new areas, heavy rain, flooding and storms are increasing. The consequences of drought and increased heat phases are showing up as partly threatening phenomena. These natural phenomena are particularly visible in outdoor sports such as riding, swimming, diving, climbing, canoeing, hiking or mountain biking.

The comic app “Together we can” is intended to awaken curiosity and interest in nature and climate change, especially among young, digital-savvy nature sports enthusiasts, while at the same time reinforcing the need to take action. The illustrated practical tips help with this.

Comic „Ina and Ole’s Adventures in a Lake“

For children, there is the comic story “Ina and Ole’s Adventures in a Lake”. In it, while snorkelling in the lake, Ina and Ole discover many animals and plants that were intentionally or accidentally brought to Germany from other countries. Join them on their snorkelling adventure around the world. This eBooklet can be viewed online and downloaded as a PDF free of charge.

Booklet „Quagga knowledge“

As part of the “…knowledge” series, the booklet “Quagga knowledge” has been published. These booklets contain the most important information on the biology, occurrence and spread of the invasive quagga mussel. It can be viewed online and downloaded as a PDF free of charge.

Booklet „Calico crayfish knowledge“

As part of the “…knowledge” series, “Calico crayfish knowledge” has been published. These booklets contain the most important information on the biology, occurrence and spread of the invasive calico crayfish. It can be viewed online and downloaded as a PDF free of charge.

Booklet „Dolphin knowledge“

As part of the series “…knowledge”, the booklet “Dolphin knowledge” has been published. These booklets contain the most important information on the biology, occurrence and protection of dolphins. It can be viewed online and downloaded as a PDF free of charge.