picture: Herbert Frei


aquatil consults with institutions, companies, and initiatives in every stage of project management, from the original idea to the theoretical and practical aspects (feasibility analysis, thematic analysis, financial and material planning, approvals, etc.) up to practical implementation. In addition, aquatil provides support of the scientific background of a project idea as well as its use for journalistic purposes, citizen science and the education sector.


picture: Franz Brümmer

1. Water Quality Investigations

  • physical, chemical and biological water quality investigations (saprobic index, macrophyte index, etc.)
  • biological monitoring (macrozoobenthos, fish, etc.)
  • biological monitoring of neobiota (neozoa and neophytes)
  • fisheries biology studies
  • measures for species protection
  • eDNA (environmental DNA) to study dynamics of colonization/occurrence of small organisms, amphibians and fishes

2. Projects on the Subject of Neobiota

  • scientific research on the ecology of neobiota
  • biological monitoring of affected biocoenoses (communities)
  • concepts for control measures
picture: Franz Brümmer
picture: Ralph O. Schill

3. Projects on Plastic waste and “Microplastics” in Water Bodies

  • research work on the input pathways of conventional and newer plastics in aquatic bodies
  • identification of the pathways of micro- and macroscopic plastics (physical-mechanical and spectroscopic)
  • quantification methods
  • surveys on the colonization of plastics with aquatic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, algae)
  • analytical dynamic investigation of the mechanical and chemical properties of plastics in water

4. Projects in the Field of Coral Reef Habitats

  • monitoring of marine organisms and their development in the habitat
  • marine aquaculture of marine sponges, marine snails and stony corals on land and in the natural habitat
  • stony coral seeding hubs
  • reef restoration
  • strategies for sustainable tourism
picture: Ralph O. Schill
picture: Franz  Brümmer

5. Science to the Public / Multimedia Environmental Education

  • classic information brochures
  • new educational formats (science comics, eComics, comic apps)
  • workshops, seminars & web-based educational events